Lemont Park Foundation

The Lemont Park Foundation improves, provides, and expands the Lemont Park District’s parks, programs, facilities and resources to improve the quality of life for its residents.

Helping Hand Award Guidelines

The Lemont Park Foundation Helping Hand Program is designed to provide financial assistance to residents of the Lemont Park District in need, to enable them to participate in the Lemont Park District programs and/or facilities.

Procedures and Guidelines:

Based on the availability of funds, the Lemont Park Foundation will attempt to provide financial assistance to those residents who meet the eligibility requirements. The Lemont Park Foundation reserves the right to subjectively approve full or partial assistance or deny an applicant’s request.

The following guidelines have been developed to help make our programs safe and enjoyable for all participants.

  1. Financial Assistance is available to those residents who reside within the Lemont Park District boundaries.
  2. The Financial Assistance application must be completely filled out and returned with the registration form in order to be considered. The application will be reviewed and processed by the members of the Lemont Park Foundation.
  3. Upon submission of a Helping Hand Award request, families will be notified within 45 days of the Helping Hand Award status.

Important Information

  • All submitted information is confidential and is not a matter of public record.
  • All information on the Helping Hand Program application must be true and accurate. Financial assistance awarded on the basis of false information supplied by the applicant will be revoked.
  • Financial assistance is limited to $1,000 in total funds for park district programming in any given calendar year. Applications must be completed seasonally. Granting of approval does not ensure continued approval for succeeding programs or seasons.
  • Families who receive financial assistance must re-apply with each seasonal brochure (fall, winter/spring and summer).
  • All registration policies and procedures apply to Helping Hand applicants.
  • If requested, applicants must provide references.
  • The portion of the participant’s payment is due before registration can be finalized. Late payment or delinquency of the participant’s portion may result in ineligibility for future program participation and/or financial assistance.
  • Employees of the Lemont Park District are not eligible for the Helping Hand Program.
  • Helping Hand money that has been awarded is never refunded in any case.
  • The Lemont Park Foundation Helping Hand Program is subject to change.

Required Documentation:

All applicants will be required to provide proof of income, residency and family information. Helping Hand applications cannot be considered without a copy of the documents listed below. The Lemont Park Foundation may require additional documents, if deemed necessary.

 Proof of Income (as applicable):

  • Most Recent Income Tax Return
  • Copy of Child Support Payment
  • Social Security/Disability Income
  • Public Aid
  • Illinois Cash/Link Assistance
  • 2 Current Paycheck Stubs
  • Unemployment Compensation 
  • All other sources of income

If no tax return is available, then please provide reasoning.

Proof of Residency:

  • Driver’s License or State ID plus one of the following:

    1. Two Current Utility Bills

    2. Property Tax Bill

    3. Copy of lease (if renting) or mortgage statement (if own home)

Proof of Parent/Guardianship:

  • Child’s birth certificate
  • Income Tax Return Listing Child as Dependent

General Information

(please note that all information is held in strict confidence)

In order to be considered for the Lemont Park Foundation Helping Hand Award; this form, in addition to The Lemont Park District Registration Form, must be completely filled out and submitted with the required documents. 

Following the verification of the information provided on this form, applicants will be notified within 45 days of the status of your request. The Helping Hand Award program is only available to residents who live within the Lemont Park District boundaries.

The Lemont Park Foundation considers all requests and takes into consideration current circumstances. A maximum benefit of $1,000 in funding for park district program per family is awarded on a yearly basis. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Lauren Raspanti, 630-257-6787 ext: 3031.


By signing below, I acknowledge that the financial and extenuating circumstances outlined above will be kept confidential by the Lemont Park Foundation. I also understand that it is my responsibility and obligation to notify the Park Foundation of any changes in financial status. The above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Any incorrect information will automatically disqualify me from this program and will require me to reimburse the Park Foundation for any past payments.

Release Information

I have voluntarily applied for a Helping Hand Award through the Lemont Park Foundation. If approved into the Helping Hand Award program, I will receive financial assistance to offset fees associated with registering for Park District programs. Approval into the Helping Hand Award program will require the Park District to verify the current size of my family as well as current and past financial status.

I give the Lemont Park Foundation the authority to verify any information they may require with any local, state or federal agency and/or any organization that I am currently working with or have worked with in the past.