The Lemont Park Foundation improves, provides, and expands the Lemont Park District’s parks, programs, facilities and resources to improve the quality of life for its residents.
The Lemont Park Foundation Helping Hand Program is designed to provide financial assistance to residents of the Lemont Park District in need, to enable them to participate in the Lemont Park District programs and/or facilities.
Procedures and Guidelines:
Based on the availability of funds, the Lemont Park Foundation will attempt to provide financial assistance to those residents who meet the eligibility requirements. The Lemont Park Foundation reserves the right to subjectively approve full or partial assistance or deny an applicant’s request.
The following guidelines have been developed to help make our programs safe and enjoyable for all participants.
Important Information
Required Documentation:
All applicants will be required to provide proof of income, residency and family information. Helping Hand applications cannot be considered without a copy of the documents listed below. The Lemont Park Foundation may require additional documents, if deemed necessary.
Proof of Income (as applicable):
If no tax return is available, then please provide reasoning.
Proof of Residency:
1. Two Current Utility Bills
2. Property Tax Bill
3. Copy of lease (if renting) or mortgage statement (if own home)
Proof of Parent/Guardianship:
(please note that all information is held in strict confidence)
In order to be considered for the Lemont Park Foundation Helping Hand Award; this form, in addition to The Lemont Park District Registration Form, must be completely filled out and submitted with the required documents.
Following the verification of the information provided on this form, applicants will be notified within 45 days of the status of your request. The Helping Hand Award program is only available to residents who live within the Lemont Park District boundaries.
The Lemont Park Foundation considers all requests and takes into consideration current circumstances. A maximum benefit of $1,000 in funding for park district program per family is awarded on a yearly basis. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Lauren Raspanti, 630-257-6787 ext: 3031.